drink me, rain says
it’s hard to swallow the whole world dry
so drink me
everything tastes better
in Oklahoma rain
roll your head back and let me buss
your funny cheek, rain says
how little I see your eyes anymore
don’t keep galarshes around
these parts, church steeple downpours
go with everything
grab thunder’s hair and howl, rain says,
you have earned that right
Okie puddles like to dance,
to fleck up around your knees
life tastes so good on you, rain says
let me dress you in the cool armor of mud,
how little I see your shoulders anymore
you have lightning inside you
just like me, rain says,
call each strike by name
you can see the light in everything
when the rain is just right
Jennie Lloyd is a downtown Tulsa-based freelance writer, This Land contributor, poet, and mother of two boys. She specializes in newspaper lingo, de-lux love notes, and prose jive.
Originally published in This Land, Vol. 4 Issue 4. Feb. 15, 2013.