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This Land Magazine

April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013

Regular price $ 5.00
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This Machine gets primal in our latest edition, focusing on Oklahoma and Midwestern museums and a still-relevant 70-year-old Panhandle dinosaur dig.

WHAT LIES BENEATH: Holly Wall reveals how a WPA-era dinosaur dig is still articulating what we know about life in prehistoric Oklahoma.

WILD BLUE YONDER: Artist James Turrell builds a temple out of the Ozark sky on the grounds of a museum founded by Sam Walton’s only daughter.

MOM(IDDLE)A(MERICA): A parking lot and an elevator ride are the gateway to the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, a study in mountains and architecture of the veil between nature and the not-so-natural.

CURATED OKLAHOMA: Jars of leeches, two-headed calf skulls, and the toy collection that swelled into a tourist destination—a map of Oklahoma’s smallest museums.

THE ILLUSION OF MICHELLE DUBOIS: A West Coast artist obsesses on the images of an Oklahoma woman whose self-portraiture flirts with identity and imagination.

ORIGINAL OKIE: Lauren “Rainbow Girl” Lunsford graces our back cover. 2013/#sthash.SFlq5l0C.dpuf

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